Sign Up for An Upcoming Tournament
Chip Tournament Rules
- 9 Ball Break is spoted on the two lower pockets
- Early 9 is a loss of game
- 3 foul Rule in Effect
- Winner breaks for the next opponent and stays at the same table
- You are out of tournament when you have cashed in all of your chips
- For your Entry Fee you get 2-9 Chips according to the Fargo table below
Fargo Table
- 700 & UP get 2 Chips
- 650 & Up get 3 Chips
- 550 & Up get 4 Chips
- 500 & Up get 5 Chips
- 450 & UP get 6 Chips
- 350 & UP get 7 Chips
- 250 & UP get 8 Chips
- Below 250 get 9 Chips
- APA SL 7 gets 4 Chips
- APA SL 6 gets 6 Chips
- APA SL 5 gets 7 Chips
- APA SL 4 gets 8 Chip
- APA SL 3 & 2 gets 9 Chips
Chip tournaments, also known as survivor tournaments,
are a popular format in billiards. Each player starts with
a set number of chips based on their skill level, and the
goal is to be the last player standing with chips left.
When the tournament starts, all the players are randomized
and 2 players get placed on each table. There will be players
not playing who are in the “Up Next” list. Once a match
finishes and the tournament director selects a winner,
the loser of the match gives up a chip and goes to the
bottom of the Up Next list. The winner stays and plays the
next person from the top of the Up Next list. This goes
on until there is one person left.
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